Monday, November 9, 2009

Hey Friends!

I hope you are all doing well. I have missed you!
I am busy baking some yummy desserts for tomorrow night's ladies coffee and dessert extravaganza, so I will be brief.
Life is full, but how thankful I am for a full life. Can you believe it is almost Thanksgiving!!!???
That leads us to Christmas! You won't believe it, but I actually got a pain free photo this year! Whatever will I do with all of my hours saved?????? Work on our card. I have some ideas dancing in my head. Don't get too excited, I am not crafty.
My house is a wreck. I am serious, but I am working on that tonight after my tater tots hit the hay and the house is quiet and there aren't messes being made after one cleans up.
Like I said life is full, but so good.
Last night, David heard me say I was tired and achy. NO I don't have the flu. However, he started whimpering at dinner that he was icky. He said he was so full and icky. :) lol
We have the boys doing chores in the morning. I am a fan! That provides something productive to do besides hitting your brothers or making MORE mess and it really helps me out. So, here is the low down. One makes the beds. They are not perfect, but that isn't the point. They are made. The other cleans the playroom. You'll note I have jobs for two. David is still asleep. I just switch the chore each day so they both get a turn doing each. They can earn a little Wii time after homework in the afternoon if they complete their job by the time the timer goes off. You might hear me singing the Hallelujah Chorus down the block. The biggest blessing is that you hopefully won't hear me YELLING at the children down the block. Note I said "hopefully."
Luke has a broken collar bone.
They all need haircuts and it is going to rain this week.
Sounds like a messy week to me, but life is good.


Wanting What I Have said...

Sounds like a great week! I love that your boys are doing chores. And the timer...mmmm....we love us some timer time!

Tonja said...

Smart Mom! You are blessing your boys by teaching them that everyone in a family has to work together! Such n important lesson to learn!

Hope you're feeling better and not 'icky' anymore!

Give the sweet boys a hug for me!

Darby said...

Hey Andi,

Can't wait to be with you tonight! PLease call me if there is anything I can do or bring!!!! Thanks for opening your home and sharing it with all of us!!!

Heather said...

Love catching up with you by reading your blog! Such a good plan with the chores!

kristen said...

Yay for a pain free photo! We are a fan of chores too. Except AC usually doesn't get her bed made until AFTER school. Maybe if we all got up a little earlier...:)

Anonymous said...

You reassure me with the "but life is good" comment. I too believe that children are a blessing. Even with the challenges I am having with blessing #2 I still love her beyond belief. I needed to read your post today so thanks for taking time to blog.

Allison said...

The anonymous comment was from me...I am not very good with blogs yet. Sorry!