Thursday, December 3, 2009

Got Pink?

Mary Sue, This one is for you gal!

For those of you that don't know, my mother in law, Mary Sue, is a Breast Cancer Victor (I like that better than survivor, cause she kicked it in the you know what)!!!!! She was the victor, by God's divine plan.

This video rocks! The music is so fun, but what is amazing is the love that is behind it- the unity to find a cure. Turn it up loud-your kids will love jamming to it. I did!

Click here to rock on!!!!!!!!

We all know someone who is battling breast cancer, or you are about to.

Got pink?


bevy said...

That was so great! Thanks oh so much for sharing. You are right, if we don't know someone who had breast cancer, we will.

I posted a link to my FB page!

Anonymous said...

This is a great link, and I also love the picture with the boys. It makes me want to rock. msm

Paula V said...

Cute rockin video.

Nice blog header. I guess it's been awhile as I've missed a few of your posts.