Sunday, November 30, 2008


Well, tonight Luke had a lot of questions.
He asked why one thief went to heaven and the other didn't.
We had been talking about Jesus and the reason why He was born.
He was born to die.
Usually, Luke loses interest in lengthy discussions.
Tonight, he was the one asking the questions.
After talking for about 30 minutes, he said, "I asked Jesus into my heart today in the playroom."
I couldn't believe it.
Ben couldn't believe it.
Why couldn't we believe it?  We have been praying for his salvation since before he was born.
Benjamin said,"He sure did.  I told him that he needed to ask Jesus into his heart."
We were even MORE astonished.
Ben and I weren't sure how to take it all.  Did he really understand what happened?  Or was he just doing what his big brother told him to do.
Benjamin follows with the fact that he watched Luke with his eyes open as he prayed.  He also said that Luke made no buts about it.  :)
We asked Ben if he prayed and Luke repeated.  He said no and again admitted to praying with his eyes open as he watched Luke.  :)  Luke said with a HUGE grin, "I said Jesus, come into my heart."  
We explained forgiveness and the joy of coming to faith in Christ.  He was precious.  He can't quit talking and it's after 9:00.  I can hear them in their room.  What a sweet moment for my boys.  As Benjamin said, "This is so happy."  
Thank you Lord for opening two of my boys eyes and hearts to see you and their need of a Savior.  May they know all the more the magnitude of Your grace and the depth of Your love.   Continue to use them in each other's lives to be as iron sharpening iron.


Tonja said...

It is so easy to come to Jesus...all that is needed is that 'child-like' faith. I have no doubt Wuke knows exactly what he did. He's very clever, that one. And, Benj...well, he is one kid who truly understands what is going on...everywhere.

I am so happy for you and Ben, too. I know the feeling of peace that comes from knowing whatever may come in this life we live...our family will always be complete in the arms of God. What assurance that gives me.

I will wait for him to tell me...I can hardly wait to give him a big hug and say,"Welcome to the family of God!"

Kellie said...

Emma Claire has done the same thing recently, and I, too, have doubted - "does she REALLY understand?" "is she just doing it because that's what we've taught her?" "is she old enough" - Forgive me Lord, for doubting, help me to have faith as a child, just like this little one - Praise God for Luke!

kristen said...

What glorious news!!! Praise the Lord for your sweet boys and for you and Ben for leading them to Christ! Precious!

Paula V said...

How precious, Andi. I know there is no greater desire of a mother's heart than to see her child accept Christ.

How old are your sons? Just curious.

I love the hearts of children, their words, their conversations amongst each other.

Darby said...

precious little children. what an awesome recollection of the most precious day!!!

emily said...

What a blessing to see that sweet Luker come to Jesus. I am so proud of him. Love you!
I love your blog! Thanks for adding my personal shopping!
We also had a great time playing last week. I love the friendship that the Lord has given us.