My three precious darlings were as handsome as ever! We attended a high noon wedding and Benjamin and Luke accompanied me into the ceremony while Ben stayed with David in the foyer. My two eldest boys were both in darling white outfits. I had envisioned them going barefoot since the nice little white shoes they wear with knee socks haven't fit since 2006. I did manage to squeeze their feet into them anyway last Easter, but that's a different story. What was I to do? Buy new Oxfords? Nope, I'm too cheap. So, I went for the Southern look of bare feet and sweet linen outfits. I wasn't sure if this was o.k. since they weren't in the wedding. Oh well no other choice. We were being dropped at the door and my little Luke has on his Camo flip flops. Oh yeah, there is NO arguing now. I think he knew that would happen. People are buzzing all around and there would be sounds of hysteria if they were taken from his feet. So, being the proud mama that I am, held my head up high as my gentlemen walked me into our first wedding together; one barefoot and the other in camo flip flops, both absolutely adorable.
So sorry I didn't get back w/ you- we had Andrew's b'day party yesterday, and I was majorly strung out!! Sounds like they were dressed to the nines! :)
Well, I have always said it is important to make a statement with what you wear!:-)
I absolutely LOVE flip flops! I want more pictures! That was a cute post. It's funny how, now when we go through life it's all about if it is "blog worthy" or not! This was for sure!
Love to you this Sunday,
Angie xoxo
That is so funny! I wish I could've seen them. They are so precious!
Hi Andi.
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I would've emailed you but the reply commenter was set to no-reply. So, to answer your question about hydrangeas...I am by far no plant expert but most generally black spots indicate fungus, disease, or insect. Yellow leaves mean lack of water and brown mean not enough water. To be honest, I have not touched my hydrangea...no water, no fertilizer, nothing.
For help, I would suggest just googling hydrangea and seeing what it suggests for help.
Oh, I did read your post this morning. It was cute.
I love it!
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