Monday, December 7, 2009

How to Read

Today, I was working with Luke on the computer.
If you have a toddler or preschooler, may I suggest a great website it is called Starfall. I teach kindergarten as many of you know. I have taught K-5, first, and second. Today, however, Luke "schooled" me about the proper way to read. He informed me, " {he} knew everything about reading and should get to play games on the computer and not Starfall." That was BEFORE he got to design himself and make me with tan eyes and funny hair on Starfall. He had a blast and had fun reading!!! As I mentioned Luke helped me out with reading techniques. They are quoted by Luke below:
1. Read slowly.
2. Take your time.
3. Don't read grumpy.

Now it just doesn't get any cuter. Grumpy reading! I love it!

You can click on the website link to visit Enjoy!


Darby said...

Thanks for sharing! Morgan loves PBSkids but it's not exactly all about reading... I'll have to introduce this one too her! :)

kristen said...

1. I remember you telling me about Starfall back in 4P and AC has always enjoyed it...thanks!

2. LOVE the "boys" pic!

3. Didn't know that about Mary Sue...yay for victory and for God's divine plan!!!

Paula V said...

What great technology and new ways of learning. Not to mention the little teachers instructors us adults. :-)

Tonja said...

Yes, it is hard to get the full impact of the story if you are grumpy while reading! It ceases to be a pleasurable experience. That Luke...he's a smart one allright!