Friday, January 2, 2009

2nd post today

Okay.  I must really be procrastinating the inevitable.
The house MUST get clean.  Today.  
However, I have several things to report.
1.  I am going to have to pay more in college courses so I can re-certify.  I am a graduate of Samford University with a certificate in early childhood and elementary education.
However, I must attend more classes in order to re-certify after being a stay at home mom.
2.  May I go on record:  being a mother has prepared me and enabled me far more than any college course could on the development of the mind and behavior of a child.
3.  I am going to be a juggler:  wife, mom, teacher, and now a colleger (that is what Benjamin calls those privileged folks in college).  I guess he'll think I'm cool.
Last night, Benjamin prayed.  When he prays, it is unique and completely unhindered.  It really is like being in the very presence of God.  He often will say, we need to pray.  During tornado warnings he reminds us the only thing we need is to pray.  When Benjamin is sick-he asks us to pray over him.  It is truly a natural response for him.  I wish it was more so for me.
Well, during his sweet prayer, he asked God to help him with his work at school.  He asked God to help him until he was out of his "comfort zone."  
I kid you not.  Man, this kid is cool.  I know, I am biased.


Tonja said...

A child who feels comfortable praying is a child who has seen prayer as a normal part of everyday life from the people he loves the most. You have modeled that behavior and it seems very natural to him. Good parenting, I would say!

Good news on the CT scan...but I felt it would be fine.

Bummer about the college...I NEVER want to go back!

I am missing you guys!

Justabeachkat said...

Hi there!

I didn't know about the CAT scan...or your migraine. Bad me.

My resolution for TODAY - catch up on my blog reading. Gosh, it's amazing how quick and easy it is to get behind! And, believe me, I'm way behind. Anyhoo...I've enjoyed seeing what you've been up to.


Sherrie said...

Sweet Benjamin! I am thankful for his prayerful soul. I know a little China girl that is thankful too :)

Robin said...

I agree with are doing something right...Now about the college should just send them this blog and then they need to overnight a new certificate for you.You learn way more from your child who prays than any classrom experience that they think you need..This is from a college drop--out ....

Paula V said...

Naah, it's not just you being biase. This kid IS cool. How precious and what an example to just turn to prayer in every time of need.

You'll do well, you colleger. :-)

I trust whole-heartedly that your motherhood has prepared you far more than ANY college class. Amen!!!

Leah said...

Precious prayer! I wish I had a recorder next to the bed sometimes!!

I hate you're having to go back to school, you are so right, real life prepares you so much more! Hope you don't have to take too much! Hang in there!