Wednesday, September 16, 2009

what if...

What if I prayed because I wanted to talk with Jesus?
Not just at Him with my to do list.

What if I prayed as if my very existence depended on it?
Instead of thinking I am strong enough to figure things out.

What if I prayed like I was at Atlanta Bread talking to my friend?
Not just a stuffy forced journal entry.

What if I prayed and was quiet enough to hear the whisper?
Not just moving on to the next thing.

What if I prayed realizing I am a beloved child of the King?
Not an orphan.

What if I prayed and for a moment could pause and sense the angels singing Glory to God in the Highest?
Instead of thinking about my wish list for God.

What if I prayed in sweet communion with the Living Creator of the Universe, who is working for my good; the good being to make me more like Jesus and I really talked to Him?

What if I really made time to pray, to really talk with Him and slow down enough to enjoy my visit with Him?
What if my prayers became more like a visit with Him?
What if my prayers affected my life because I was changed and refreshed by my time with Him?
May it be so.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

time keeps on ticking...

Busy! Happily, busy.
The house has to wait.
The dust gets thicker.
The laundry is clean, but not put away.
Time keeps on ticking.
I want to be wise.
The house won't last.
The kids are getting bigger.
The time is getting shorter.
Time keeps on ticking.
The floors have drool.
The windows have fingerprints.
The floor has crumbs.
It is a house lived in.
The little people are getting bigger.
The time is getting shorter.
Time keeps on ticking.
The toys are left out.
The legos are hotels.
The books are left open.
The sounds are happy.
Time is ticking.
The house doesn't live.
The people within the walls do.
Invest in them wisely.
All too soon,
It will be quiet.